Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thing #16: Wikis

I have used a Wiki in a couple of my classes, and have figured out how to use them but this video was helpful to really understand the wikis.  It all makes more sense to me now.

PBwikiTips offers great tips for setting up and using a wiki.  I have been thinking about trying to use a wiki in my classroom next year if I decide to use it I will definitely refer back to this site.  I think it would be very productive to have a wiki for a library.  I would have a page of student book reviews, one for teacher book reviews, a page for new books, things that are happening in the library, web sites that would be helpful and/or just for fun.  The list is endless!


msbellie said...

I love the Common Craft videos! When I watched the "Wikis in Plain English" one, it really helped me understand more about how they work. I also think that it would be beneficial to have a wiki for the library, as well. It would be such a great way for students and teachers to share in a convenient location that's easily accessible.

PGP said...

Another use for a library wiki is for a library book fair schedule where teachers can go in and sign up for times. It works well on my campus. No more emailing back and forth and trying to be "fair" about assigning times. As time slots fill up, the wiki updates itself!

Teachers can always go in at any time to see the schedule, and parents can be sent the link to see when their students are attending.