Monday, October 25, 2010

Thing #13: Tagging and Discover Delicious

I really like delicious.  I have never used a social bookmarking website.  As I was playing around with it I came across several sites and activities that I would like to use in my classroom in the next few weeks.  In the past I would have emailed a link to my school email then once I was at school made those sites a favorite.  With delicious I just bookmarked them and tomorrow when I have time I will open delicious and be able to get what I need off of any of the sites that I have already looked at.  Since I use a computer at school and 2 different computers at home it is sometimes hard to remember which computer I saved a web site too.  It will be so nice to get everything I use in one place.  It would be nice for the teachers I work with to have a delicious account and be able to share things through delicious and not have to save the link and email things to them.  Maybe one day soon I can convince my coworkers!
I looked at Delicious and also at, I didn't care for it, it seemed a little more like a Tabloid website to me. I also looked at but without signing in I could only watch a video and was a little frustrated at the time so I watched the video and left the site.  From the video it does look like it would be helpful to find information on specific topics, I'll have to go back when I'm not feeling so pressed for time and give it another look.

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